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Brechfa Wind Farm Project

The Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm Community Fund has now been operational for 18 months. In this relatively short time, the fund is already delivering real positive impact. In total 71 applications worth nearly £3million have been received, of which over £900,000 worth of funding has been approved.

The fund is administered by Antur Cymru Enterprise and a panel of local people who make the decisions.

Case Study

Brechfa Wind Farm project

In its first two years the fund has:

  • Brought new projects to the area including: a credit union, a luncheon club, a community cinema club and an IT hub
  • Funded critical and valued community facilities such as community centres, church halls, public toilets, schools and nurseries
  • Responded to crises such as floods and Covid 19
  • Committed to funding multi-year salaries for local officers at the Carers Trust Carmarthenshire, SaveEasy Credit Union, Pencader Family Centre, Dolen Teifi and Tysul Youth.
  • Funded tourism projects including a feasibility study for local mountain bike trails and a dark skies project
  • Made awards ranging from £450 to Pencader Pavilion for an energy audit to £260k over 5 years to Skanda Vale Hospice to buy a bunkhouse to accommodate visitors to their temple which will reliably generate enough income to increase the residential hospice provision from 7 days a month to 365 days a year over time.


It has been amazing that we have been able to support so many much-needed projects in such a short period of time. The panel have been both very supportive and responsive to local need.

– Moishe Merry, Community Fund Project Manager

It is a privilege to be able to make these funds available to support such key activity. Nowhere has the true value of the fund been better demonstrated than in responding to the Covid -19 threat. I am proud of the role we have played in enabling this and of the hard work and commitment of our staff.

– Bronwen Raine, Antur Teifi MD

Antur Cymru Enterprise’s team impressed Innogy by demonstrating a clear appreciation for the unique opportunity the Brechfa Forest Wind Farm Fund presents. Their clear commitment to making the fund as accessible as possible to communities assured us the fund was in safe hands.

– Kathryn Harries, Innogy Community Investment Officer


Moishe Merry

Antur Teifi, Antur Teifi Business Park, Aberarad, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9DB

[email protected]
01239 710238 / 07779 457351

Antur Cymru Enterprise is a social enterprise working to meet the needs of communities in Wales by supporting the establishment and growth of thriving businesses both large and small, offering business advice to regional and local businesses, rural communities, and town centre business communities.

Contact us

T: 01239 710 238
E: [email protected]

A: Antur Teifi Business Park, Aberarad, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9DB

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