The Antur Cymru vision
Mission Antur Cymru
To benefit the communities of Wales by fostering, encouraging and promoting the establishment and successful running of businesses in Wales by, amongst other things providing authoritative and impartial information, advice and practical support on a bi-lingual basis.
To consolidate our position as a leading innovative and entrepreneurial social enterprise, fostering and promoting the growth of economic activity throughout Wales, sharing our experience to influence the development of public policy.
- Working collaboratively to achieve our aims
- Embracing challenge
- Encouraging and supporting people to be their best
- Delivering quality service with integrity and professionalism
- Role modelling responsible business practice
- Listening to and representing the voice of our community
Making the culture, language and communities of Wales central to our delivery
Mission Telemat
To deliver a comprehensive expert bilingual IT service across Wales encompassing hardware and software solutions, continually working to identify IT-based approaches to support business and community.
To be recognised as the expert IT support provider for businesses and communities in Wales developing novel and innovative applications for current and emerging technology.
- Encouraging and supporting people to be their best.
- Delivering a quality customer-focused service flexible to customer need.
- Ensuring open, honest communications within the team and with customers.
- Delivering a fully bilingual service
- Operating transparent charging structures with no surprise costs
- Using quality management systems to drive service quality, consistency and reliability
- Town Wi-Fi installs
- Investment in Enterprise
- Business Start Up Support
- Jobs created
- Jobs created from Work Programmes