Antur Cymru make a difference to the lives of women refugees in the Syrian community

Antur Cymru Enterprise further added to its reputation of working with underrepresented minority groups within the Welsh community by successfully delivering a Community Engagement project on behalf of Welsh Government.

The project entailed working with Women who are part of the Syrian Refugee communities across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys.

Covid-19 has exposed inequalities for the BAME communities in Wales and Welsh Government were keen to hear the quieter voices from across Wales. The idea of the consultations was to allow individuals to have a voice to inform the development of the Race Equality Action Plan.

Antur Cymru delivered a report that is being assessed by the Wales Centre for Public Policy and common findings, from other under-represented groups such as Gypsy Travellers, will be presented within the next few weeks.

The project explored some key areas including education, health and social care, employment and income, housing, crime and justice, culture, heritage and tourism and leadership and culture.

The project delivery included 3 x 2hr Discussion Groups with Arabic translation facilities to identify key actions to underpin the Race Equality Action Plan, from the perspective of the female Syrian refugee group.

Leading the advisory exercise was Catherine Rowland, Specialist Business Adviser at Antur Cymru Enterprise.

“The sessions provided the women from the Syrian community in Mid and West Wales with an opportunity for their voice and opinions to be heard, addressing all key aspects that effected their everyday lives.

The women have made amazing achievements since moving to Wales and have settled into their communities and are happy living in Wales”.

Latifa Alnjjar, who represents the Syrian Dinner Project offered her observations on coming to Wales;

“There are a lot of similarities between the Welsh and Syrian Community. Both have very strong family relationships. People know each other and help each other. Here in Aberystwyth, it is a small town with a small community like Homs, where I come from.

We are 3 ladies who love to cook and were encouraged by our lovely friend Rose to cook on special occasions and from then on we started making our dinners for events.

These events bring a lot of people from the community together. People share food and ideas. It is a way of cultural exchange and integration.

We hope that this project will gain more success. We hope that this success will motivate other Syrian families all around the UK to start their own projects. Projects that are useful to their communities. We hope to open our own restaurant to share our food and culture”.

About Antur Cymru Enterprise.

Antur Cymru is a business agency supporting the business community in Wales via advisory services, IT Services, community ventures and helping businesses access finance. We currently deliver the Business Wales contract for business support services in Mid, West and North Wales.

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Antur Cymru Enterprise is a social enterprise working to meet the needs of communities in Wales by supporting the establishment and growth of thriving businesses both large and small, offering business advice to regional and local businesses, rural communities, and town centre business communities.

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T: 01239 710 238
E: [email protected]

A: Antur Teifi Business Park, Aberarad, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9DB

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