Antur Cymru Youth Board Member, we are looking for someone 16-25years.

Antur Cymru is an independent company that inspires, enables, develops and supports economic activity.  Antur Cymru is a trading name of Antur Teifi.  Antur Teifi Cyf is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. 

The roots of the company are in the Teifi Valley, where it was originally established in 1979.  Today Antur Cymru is an integral part of the local area and is well known throughout Wales for innovative activities, including delivering the Business Wales and Big Ideas Wales contracts and IT support, including Town Wifi and IoT specialisms.

Antur Cymru is owned by shareholders who do not profit individually from their investment but have agreed that any surpluses generated are reinvested into the Company to fund services and activities that help develop economic activity for the benefit of businesses in the area of operation.

The Board, which is unremunerated, is the governing body for Antur Cymru and is legally and financially responsible for the organisation in line with the organisation’s Mission Vision and Values, which are:


To benefit the communities of Wales by fostering, encouraging, and promoting the establishment and successful running of businesses in Wales by amongst other things providing authoritative and impartial information, advice, and practical support on a bi-lingual basis.


To consolidate our position as a leading innovative and entrepreneurial social enterprise fostering and supporting the growth of economic activity throughout Wales, sharing our experience to influence the development of public policy.


  • Working collaboratively to achieve our aims
  • Embracing challenge
  • Encouraging and supporting people to be their best
  • Delivering a quality service with integrity and professionalism
  • Role modelling Responsible Business Practice
  • Listening to and representing the voice of our community
  • Making the culture, language and communities of Wales central to our delivery

The Board is accountable for the whole organisation, determining its strategic direction and monitoring performance.  The Board sets the policy of the organisation, determines corporate strategy, including setting key strategic objectives and makes major decisions about the use of finances.  It consults with its members and sets and monitors a framework of standards and policy.

Youth Board Member

We are looking for someone:-

  • Aged 16 to 25
  • Resident or working in Mid, West or North Wales.
  • With an interest in or experience of entrepreneurship.
  • Who is passionate about supporting other people and representing the voice of younger generations.
  • Available for a minimum of 4×4 hour Board meetings (normally during a week-day) a year for a period of 2 years.
  • That can travel to meetings in various locations within the regions described or have access to facilities to attend remotely.
  • Willing to uphold and support Antur Cymru’s Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Policy, and work to ensure the highest standards of legal and good governance compliance.
  • Willing and interested in learning about governance, setting business strategy and direction, setting targets, holding the operational side of the organisation to account and how boards operate in general.
  • In line with other Board members, the position is unremunerated, but agreed expenses accrued in the discharge of the role may be paid.

What will you be required to do?


The way Antur Cymru works to better enable us to engage with and work with young people to develop their employment skills and entrepreneurship opportunities by providing feedback from the perspective of young people, acting as an independent, unbiased sounding board and providing advice on relevant issues.


Work with other Board members, staff, and appropriate networks to promote the work of Antur Cymru and support the creation of appropriate messages and methodologies relevant to young people.


A good understanding of the work of a board and Antur Cymru as a whole, including the role of governance, subgroups, business planning and audit, and gain experience representing and discussing issues in a board setting.  On successful completion of a two-year appointment, Antur Cymru will issue a testimonial and will be happy to give references for a further period of two years.


You will be expected to agree on a development plan on the appointment, with annual review, mentoring and two-way feedback.  You will be expected to prepare for meetings by reading the papers in advance, checking any information that is unclear and keeping abreast of developments, both within and outside the company, which could likely affect the company.  You will be expected to follow the normal rules of debate and discussion, to know when a topic has been exhausted and to take ‘cabinet’ responsibility for decisions that the Board reaches, even where you do not agree with them.

If you are interested in this opportunity could you please forward your CV to Marion Morris at [email protected]

What's your reaction?

Antur Cymru Enterprise is a social enterprise working to meet the needs of communities in Wales by supporting the establishment and growth of thriving businesses both large and small, offering business advice to regional and local businesses, rural communities, and town centre business communities.

Contact us

T: 01239 710 238
E: [email protected]

A: Antur Teifi Business Park, Aberarad, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9DB

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Antur Cymru is a trading style of Antur Teifi | Antur Teifi is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registered in Wales | © Antur Teifi | Reg. No. IP23194R | VAT No. GB 485 2427 30 | Website by Design Reaction