Celebrating 25 Years of the Gwobrau Lantra Cymru Awards

This year marks an important milestone for the Gwobrau Lantra Cymru Awards as they celebrate their 25thbirthday. Over the past quarter of a century Lantra Wales has provided vital expert training and qualifications for the environmental and land-based industries.

LANTRA Awards logo To celebrate this milestone, Lantra Wales is hosting an exclusive awards ceremony to be held on Wednesday, 23 October at the Metropole Hotel in Llandrinod Wells

Kevin Thomas, Director of Lantra Wales, said,

“The Lantra Cymru Awards provide a platform to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions that individuals have made in the environmental and land-based sectors in Wales.

 “If you know an individual that’s deserving of recognition in their field then please enter them and help celebrate this year’s successes. We would like to encourage all individuals, colleges and organisations to get involved and get nominating now!”

Categories include College Learner of the Year (under 26 and over 26), Farming Connect Learner of the Year (under 40 and over 40), Farm Innovator Award, Tyfu Cymru Award, Forestry Award, Future Farmers of Wales Award, Wales YFC Agricultural Bursary in association with the Worshipful Livery Company of Wales Award, Brynle Williams Memorial Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. The full list of eligible categories and their criteria’s can be found on the Lantra Wales website.

The awards are free to enter, with the deadline for entries August 30th. Judging will take place in early September by a panel of expert judges.

For more information on the Lantra Cymru Awards and to submit your nominations, visit https://www.wales.lantra.co.uk/land-based-learner-year-2019

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