Splice Cast

Splice Cast are in the business of saving lives! Based in Newtown, the company specialises in both the production and resale of predominantly medical products. Their flagship range of cervical cancer detection instruments includes several brands of their own as well as some unique patented add-on devices which make the procedures more accurate. All their products are sold in the UK and Europe.

As a supplier of vital medical products and devices, Splice Cast have a key role to play as a partner in many supply chains such as the NHS. In order to meet contractual obligations, Managing Director Duncan Morren and the team felt that Brexit poses a number of potential threats, mainly to logistical and supply requirements.

Help provided by Business Wales included:

Business Wales helped the business identify and apply for the support of the Brexit Resilience Grant (£48,595) which has contributed to making additional warehouse space available, which in turn allowed them to hold bigger stocks of raw materials as well as finished goods to protect business stability from the effects of border delays and interrupted supplies. This has been a vital step in making them ready for Brexit and potential supply difficulties, as well as retaining their current customers and contracts.

Splice Cast have an ongoing relationship with Business Wales and are getting support and guidance as its difficult to predict how Brexit will turn out, so it is correspondingly difficult to plan for. They have additional staff and have put on a second shift to cope with expected peaks and troughs in demand from both private and NHS sectors.

Splice Cast have recently upgraded their IT provision to make ordering simpler and faster, which should make it easy for their customers to ensure continuity of supply. It’s an uncertain time, but they regard Brexit as an opportunity for UK manufacturers.

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