Top Tips on Twitter Marketing.

Top Tips on Twitter Marketing.

Twitter sees 6,000 Tweets every second and is a useful business marketing tool for your business to gain valuable customer feedback and project your brand to new customers. It’s also a good way of offering customer support and feedback opportunities.

Let’s look at some interesting statistics:

There were 11.7 million downloads of Twitter on the App Store in the first quarter of 2019. 75 per cent of B2B businesses market their products and/or services on Twitter. 500 million tweets are sent out per day.

Here are some easy-to-read tips for promoting on Twitter:

1. Always put your current and most relevant Tweet first.

Get your most current business or sales message into prominence by Tweeting as a pin on the top of your page. Use a link to take interested visitors to more detail of your tweet especially if it’s an offer or a key news item and ‘back link’ this to your website. 

2. Make your bio stand out.

Search engines such as Google index Twitter bios so use your bio as your first point of contact. Make it relevant to your current business message and what makes you stand out from your competitors. 

3. Use the faces of your team for that human touch.

With a small business, you may want to get that personal touch to better engage with your customers. Using members of your team in Tweets will help get the message across that you are available to talk and are interested in what your customers want and think of your business. You are there to chat so encourage them to build a relationship.

4. Include your Twitter address (URL) in all your communications.

Make sure you include your Twitter URL in all marketing and sales communications and that should include social media platforms and your website. Make it an easily clickable link that takes your customers straight to your Twitter profile.

5. You need to Tweet consistently.

It is advisable that you Tweet daily and with regular content as Tweeting in bursts is not as effective. You can use a Twitter scheduler to plan and supply your pipeline with high-quality, well-timed content.

6. It’s better to comment on a Tweet along with Retweeting.

Add your comment to a tweet that you are re-tweeting instead of just re-tweeting, as it gives the impression that you are knowledgeable and adding value to the content. But keep this to times when you have something that is genuinely relevant to say.

7. Re-tweet your Tweets.

Remember that some of your Tweets can be considered as evergreen content. Don’t be afraid to re-tweet good content that you feel will still be of interest to your followers many months after your original tweet.

8. Avoid Spamming.

Twitter takes Spamming very seriously whether it’s a fake account or fake profile images. These things sometimes happen as Twitter does not require a verified email address. The moment you use Spam as a promotional tactic you are projecting an amateurish image and annoying potential customers.

Spamming is also borderline illegal, short-sighted as a tactic and takes away your positive interaction with your audience.

9. Get your hashtags right.

Get yourself up to date on Hashtags and how best to use them. Here is an excerpt from Twitter on the Do’s and Don’ts:   

·  Use them consistently. Using hashtags helps your brand connect with what’s happening on Twitter. 

·      Make them easy to remember — and spell. Don’t leave room for people to make typos with your hashtag. 

·      Do your research. Use the explore tab to search and see what trending hashtags people are already using. 

·      Give people a reason to use your hashtag. Whether it’s an actual prize or just recognition in the form of a Retweet, your audience will respond better when there’s an added value to using your hashtag.


·      Over-hashtag. One to two relevant hashtags per Tweet is the sweet spot so you can keep your message concise. 

·      Try forcing your brand slogan to be a hashtag. A hashtag is meant to be inclusive, shareable, and discoverable. If it doesn’t organically fit within a Tweet, it’ll feel forced and lose its intended purpose.

·      Expect people to use your hashtag without a reason. The best hashtags can draw people in and invoke curiosity to explore and join in on the conversation. 

·      Neglect to educate on what it is and how to use it. Make sure you’re communicating the hashtag and more importantly, why someone would want to include it in their Tweet.

·      Use all CAPS LOCK. Unless it’s an acronym, this feels a bit like shouting. Plus, it adds a little bit more effort for people to type.

Click the following link for the complete article: 

https://The dos and don’ts of hashtags (

10. Follow influencers that have synergy with your business.

You need to choose who you follow carefully and focus on what you are trying to achieve by following, and that should be building a community of followers that want to be a part of what your business is about. Being precise in your choice of who to follow with the hope they will follow you back will offer a better return on your time invested on Twitter.

11. Upload your contacts to Twitter.

Another easy way to start increasing your Twitter community is to search all your customer data. Search your emails and company records and search for those business contacts on Twitter and start following them. The same would apply with your Facebook business profile and LinkedIn profiles where you could search for specific new contacts based on sector and job title and then follow them on Twitter.

12. Tag other businesses and businesspeople.

Don’t be afraid to tag other businesses and businesspeople if you believe they will be interested in your Tweet. It may be a business announcement and the business press might be interested in writing a story or it may be a potential client that you want to impress.

13. Always respond to mentions and enquiries.

Always reply to mentions or enquiries as it shows you care about the Twitter community you have taken the time to nurture. It also means that you are not overlooking what could be a business opportunity. 

14. Host a Twitter chat.

This takes some preparation, but if you are looking to establish authority and credibility in your field, this is a great way to build a community with other like-minded businesspeople.

15. Live tweet an event.

Live Tweeting is about sending out a series of Tweets at any event. The benefits give you something current and new to say and an easy form of content. It can further grow followers when the Tweet is shared and will help drive web traffic to your website when it contains a link.

16. Work with a business or business influencer with synergy to your brand.

Are there experts in your field of business? Do you have expertise that can be matched by another business expert? Or is there a business that offers a mutual benefit that could be jointly promoted with your business? Reach out to these businesses and influencers as it will help to spread your message to a much wider audience and enhance you and your brand’s credibility.

17. Use promoted tweets to increase your reach.

If you have a budget or want to test a small budget Twitter Ads can be less expensive and offer Keyword targeting. You only pay for performance, and that is, your money is only spent when your agreed specified pre campaign goals are achieved.

Twitter also allows you to reach a wider audience or a tailored audience that follows your specific account.

18. Always include pictures and videos.

Try not to post a text-only tweet, here are some tools to help you fill up your social media content calendar with compelling images to include in your Tweets:

·      Learn how to use video: Your content is ten times more likely to engage your audience if it includes a video.

·      Do not guess about the best time to tweet: Your audience is unique, review your analytics and get the precise information for the best results. Make sure your images are getting in front of your specific followers at the time they are most likely to be on Twitter.

·      Use Twitter analytics to measure what your audience likes: Use the engagement, reach and impressions tools to measure what your followers like and engage with. Use this to refine your messages, the subject of your pictures and the content of your video as often as you can.

·      Follow the 80/20 rule: Research at Rutgers found that social media accounts that share information rather than self-promoting have, on average, twice the number of followers.

·      Decide whether to be funny or not: Remember that humour and abuse can go hand in hand so pick your humorous posts carefully. Think about your audience and establish the right tone that fits your business voice. Don’t risk your business reputation on a hastily contrived joke or throwaway comment.

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