Antur Cymru Enterprise will be partnering with Welsh Government and Menter Môn to broadcast a webinar on the theme of Town Wi-Fi on Thursday 1st October 2020, between 2.30 and 3.30pm.
The event entitled ‘Recovering from COVID-19: SMART Towns’ will feature a mix of IT business experts and a foreword by Lee Waters MS, the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport and closing remarks by Hannah Blythyn MS, the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government.
Antur Cymru Enterprise were invited to join to share the expertise and experience they have gained as premier deliverer of Town Wi-Fi in Wales. The business has delivered schemes for more than 26 towns across the region including Carmarthen and Caernarfon. Aled Davies of Telemat, part of the Antur Cymru Enterprise portfolio will be speaking about ‘A view on barriers to implementation’.
Aled will be keen to outline that Town Wi-Fi is not just about installing the system, but about getting the system to work for the economy and regenerating the towns in COVID-19. Telemat’s team have experience of working with towns to reap the benefits of the systems by showing them how to use the data from the Wi-Fi.
Schemes that Telemat have delivered include using the data for tracking visitor movements around towns and encouraging return visits via marketing through Social Media. The marketing initiatives include highlighting key events, key shopping days and businesses in the towns offering promotions.
The agenda will also include Cllr Clive Davies who worked with Telemat to install the Cardigan Town Wi-Fi and Menter Môn who will be introducing the ‘Patrwm platform’, a new initiative.
The event also includes a Q&A session and can be viewed online via Zoom by registering through Eventbrite.
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